Finding the balance between you and your audience

Disclaimer: I recently came up with some random blogging advice related to my approach to content creation that I think may be of use to some of my fellow bloggers, so I figured I’d share it here in hopes of helping some people out.

Whenever I create content for this rambly Anime blog of mine, there’s always one thing that I strive to achieve in every piece of my writing:

That of the balance between what I want to talk about, and what I believe my audience would be actually be interested in hearing me talk about.

As most of you are already likely aware, I write this blog from a very personal viewpoint and just about every single one of my posts are based on my own personal experiences and subjective opinions.

However, despite that, I always do my best to convey this personalised take on the medium of Anime, and whatever other mediums I choose to discuss on occasion, in a way that my audience, and others in general, can both relate to it and understand it.

There have been times in the past, where I’ve been far too personal and feel I’ve alienated many readers as a result, due to my experience being far too specific to myself and not conveyed in a way that could be considered relatable to the average reader. Likewise, there have also been plenty of times where I’ve done the complete opposite, and refrained from getting too personal in the fear that my readers may struggle to relate to what I’m trying to say and the point I’m trying to make feels lost as a result.

I feel that the best thing you can do as a content creator, is create content that is both personal to you and also something that people want to see, especially if you want people to understand your viewpoint and where you’re coming from.

And the best way to do this? It’s all to do with how things are worded, at least that’s what I’ve recently learned.

When I write something, I always try to word it in a way that, while personal, is also relatable to the person reading it. If I want to explain why Hunter x Hunter (2011) is my favourite Anime, instead of just going “It’s my favourite because X” and ending it there, I’ll instead finish up with something along the lines of “If you enjoy X from a show, perhaps you’ll enjoy Hunter x Hunter (2011)”. It’s a simple addition, but I feel it makes all the difference.

It’s not the easiest thing in the world to do, and it can often be very difficult to find the balance between writing something that you want to write while also making it something that people will be interested in reading. But when I do achieve that balance, it’s always a wonderful feeling.

It makes me smile!

Of course, I’m not saying that this is the “best” way, nor only way, to do things. Not at all. You’re entitled to approach your content in whichever way you want, but this has always been the way I’ve tried to do things, and I feel it’s benefited me greatly in terms of my creativity and overall reach as a writer.

I hope this was of use, or at least interesting, to some of you!

9 thoughts on “Finding the balance between you and your audience

  1. I think it all depends on purpose and audience, which is also what I think you’re inferring here. What are you trying to accomplish? Who are you writing to? If you’re writing mostly for yourself and don’t care too much about your readers, then you’re likely to be more personal with your posts, and perhaps the opposite if you want to engage lots and lots of readers on just a superficial level. We’ve done both with expected results—tons of its hits and high SEO rankings back in the day with more reader-friendly articles and higher-level engagement with fewer visits when we dig deeper.

    Ultimately, on our site, I want to personally engage our readers (and not just through our blog, but via other platforms) at a heart level, and so we often speak from personal experience. We want an audience that considers what we’re saying and sees how that applies to their own lives, and so we push into places that might alienate audiences that would rather just comment their thoughts about a particular series or otherwise not get too involved in any single article.

    It’s a funny process, and one that—like you also mentioned—involves trial and error. But such is writing in any medium. The key, whatever we do, is that we keep pushing forward in developing our writing and how we communicate to the reader.


  2. Thanks for sharing umm… (how may I address you?) senpai. As you mentioned, this is one of the things I slowly started considering more seriously too over time. While I like to write it like its my diary, I’d want it to be useful to others too. I definitely agree with your points here.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is definitely great advice. With English not being my native language I’m always struggling to at times find the correct words to bring my view on something to my audience. But I definitely agree there should be a good balance between getting too personal, or just not personal at all. So far I think I have gone overboard only once abd that was this weekend with my review (rant lol 😂😂) for the new Star Wars movie. Inwas just way too angry…but I could not help myself. Another terrific post, with as mentioned great advice 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m very happy that you found this to be good advice Raistlin!

      I recall reading that review, although I believe in that case, it was justified, since you were so disappointed in the movie. I personally loved the movie, but I can understand why someone wouldn’t be a fan!

      Thank you very much!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Interesting points. I know I don’t have a big audience for my blogs on WordPress, so I change up things depending on the content of said blog and how I can make it acceptable to potential newcomers especially since I cover several topics depending on which page I’m using.


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